what i've worked on


Engineering Intern - Fulton team

May - Aug 2023
  • Developed template for internal customers to easily deploy a service used to sanity check their existing service at specified regular intervals and alarm customers if service is failing
  • Service maintains 99.9% availability and a scheduling precision of 60 seconds within the expected interval which enables customers to be alerted of failure earlier in the cycle
  • AWS CDK, Golang, Typescript


Software Engineering Intern - Pink team

Sep - Nov 2022
  • Designed and implemented new self-serve mechanism for transitions between Lyft Pink membership plans
  • Collaborated cross-functionally to identify unaccounted edge-cases, update support pages, and relay dev/ roll-out progress to stakeholders
  • Python, gRPC, Server-Driven UI


Engineering Intern - Fulton team

June - Aug 2022
  • Developed internal CLI tool for finding third party in internal code base
  • Implemented result ranking algorithm for recommended package when multiple repositories exist for a third party package
  • Golang


Software (Site Reliability) Engineering Intern - F1 team

May - Aug 2021
  • Developed internal CLI tool for assessing safety of permission changes in production
  • Collaborated with team of another internal tool to help migrate tool to a new version of internal API
  • Python, Golang


STEP Intern - YouTube Gaming team

May - Aug 2020
  • Worked within a 3 intern pod to develop a platform that allows users to watch Youtube videos together in rooms
  • Implemented YouTube video player with synchronization between multiple clients
  • Java, Google Cloud, jQuery


Computer Science Summer Institute

Jul 2019
  • Three week introduction to Computer Science program
  • Worked alongside two other participants to create our first web app and presented to Googlers at end of program
  • Javascript, HTML, Google Cloud